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Until now, artistic expression, for both the creator and the viewer, has been tied down by various constraints.


Creators are influenced by the idea, common sense, and cultural environment of their time, and can only express themselves using existing tools, means, and methods.


There is no completely free choice there.


For instance, a creator might believe they have chosen to use their paints, but those paints already existed. In other words, their choice was compelled within the confines of pre-established constraints.


To begin with, if the mechanisms for evaluating and monetizing art did not exist, there wouldn't be as many artists as there are today. In other words, due to the societal mechanisms already in place, there are many who are also compelled to choose the profession of an artist.


And so, the viewer is left with no choice but to accept the determined expressions of color, shape, size, material, etc., as prescribed by such artists.


In essence, using existing means and expressing something in a tangible form inevitably gives rise to constraints and a lack of freedom. I refer to these traditional expressions, which are not free and tie both creators and viewers in their restrictions, as slave expressions.


Of course, there is no such thing as a thought that is not influenced by anything, and without a certain kind of common sense, which is called our shared understanding as humans of things such as language, communication wouldn't be possible. Even that could be considered a form of lack of freedom. In the first place, expressing something (a philosophy) also means inevitably constraining someone else's philosophy. In this sense, there is no such thing as completely free expression. However, I believe it's possible to pursue an expression that is closer to freedom.


In the realm of conceptual art, works that emphasize concepts are created, yet ultimately, these still rely on some form, substance, or even if it is temporary, some form of expression.


A new form of expression, which forms in each individual's brain without using shapes or substances as a medium, might be something like oral transmission or tradition, where, for instance, information and philosophy are directly passed from person to person.


Therefore, I directly convey my philosophy to you through words, without leaving any material form.


The mediums for this new form of expression become you and the other human beings to whom you communicate the philosophy. The essence of this expression is the philosophy itself; that is the artwork. However, to propagate and sustain such a formless expression, the mediums are the human beings who continue to exist beyond the bounds of time.


You may not pass on my philosophy to others, or perhaps there is the possibility that my philosophy is not being properly conveyed to you. Also, along the way, the transmitter may add their own interpretation, altering the original content of the philosophy, and if the philosophy holds no value for the receiver, it may cease to exist.


But that's okay. Everyone's interpretation is free. The philosophy that you receive is formed anew through your own perspective and interpretation. That interpretation is your own, and that philosophy of yours is truly the artwork.


I believe this is one form of expression that is closest to freedom. I think that this mode of expression could potentially become a new way to attempt liberation from the slave expressions of traditional representation.

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